Friday, 5 October 2018


A Guide To American Gold Eagle

The American eagle gold coin is enjoying the kind of popularity that it has, debatably, never enjoyed in its 14 year history till now. The recently concluded global depression has come as a blessing for the American eagle gold coin as it has resulted in the gold prices going up drastically.Do you want to learn more? Visit

iStock 000009114896XSmall 225x300 Boost in Gold Market Makes the American Eagle Gold Coin the Best OptionGold has been witnessing a constant annual gain for the last 9 years, and the current year would take this figure to a 10. Since the decade of 1920, this would be the longest winning streak for gold’s annual gain of prices, which speaks volumes for the condition of the world economy.
The commodity of gold has always been regarded as one of the most stable and reliable investment instruments. This constant reliance on gold is something that is very rare amongst investment instruments as is showcased by the fluctuating following of the foreign currency market, equity purchases, mutual fund uncertainties and even other precious metals or gems. This can be directly attributed to the fact that gold’s prices are constantly on the up and see downsides only sometimes. Such records have resulted in people seeing gold as an extremely dependable albeit a long term investment tool. Simultaneously, national governments are also not helping as they continue to churn out large amounts of paper money to battle the problem of loss of confidence amongst businesses.

One of the biggest signs predicting a bright future for gold, and hence the American eagle gold coin, is the World Gold council stating that it expects the future of gold to be very positive for the rest of the year at least. As per the World Gold Council, the primary causes for such a rosy picture for gold are economic instability in the US and Europe, sovereign risk and the aforementioned possibility of a double dip global recession period. This statement by the World Gold Council when combined with economic experts belief that the uncertainty will last a while longer paints a very promising future for the American eagle gold coin.

Additionally, the fact that Rand Refinery Limited, one of the gold refiners in Africa, recently increased its production without making a dent in the global demand for gold is also positive news for the American eagle gold coin.

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